
This program aims to to provide an environment that will enable children to reach their full potential in the area of physical development.

60 minute lesson without parent assistance

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Lessons are designed to encourage the child’s development in a variety of areas including:

Climbing skills

At Leaping Lizards, our climbing activities for kinder children focus on developing balance, coordination, and confidence through safe, playful challenges designed for little adventurers.

Ball skills

Leaping Lizards' ball skills activities for kinder children help build hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and teamwork through fun, interactive games designed to boost their confidence and agility.

Motor/spatial planning

Through engaging activities, Leaping Lizards helps kinder children develop motor and spatial planning skills, encouraging them to navigate their surroundings with confidence and improving their body awareness and problem-solving abilities.

Coping with being jostled

Leaping Lizards' group activities gently teach kinder children how to cope with being jostled in a playful, supportive environment, helping them build resilience, social awareness, and confidence in dynamic group settings.


At Leaping Lizards, we emphasize the joy of playing for fun, helping kinder children learn valuable lessons about winning, losing, and good sportsmanship in a positive and encouraging environment.

Lesson format:

  1. Free Play – time for the child to enjoy the equipment and/or toys with his friends or other children in the class and to practice new found skills. Children often find this an opportunity to challenge themselves, develop social skills e.g. sharing and composing their own games etc. in a safely supervised environment.
  2. Sticks – Tapping sticks to music to develop eye-hand co-ordination, visual and auditory processing skills, body and spatial awareness, concepts and rhythm.
    – After the music activity children use the sticks to develop different age appropriate skills; recognition of colours, numeracy, shapes, spatial concepts, fine motor and auditory skills. As the term progresses skills are consolidated and expectations become more challenging.
  3. Animal Recognition – children are stimulated with simple animal knowledge, visual memory skills, finger dexterity, auditory memory, language skills and develop the skill of deductive questioning.
  4. Climb – A different combination of challenges on the ladders, a slide, mini trampoline, bar, beams and planks. On selected pieces of equipment children are encouraged to make their own choice whether it be adapting a skill or inventing a new way to use the equipment. The climbing enhances muscle tone and strength, balance, spatial and body awareness, gross motor, concepts, motor planning and climbing safely. All the children take turns at being the “leader” which aids in developing their self-confidence.
  5. Skill Activity – may include one of the following gross, fine motor, eye hand/foot co-ordination skills:
    – animal walks
    – ball handling activities e.g. throwing and catching
    – working with a partner e.g. using bats, throwing and catching
    – gymnastics
    – games
  6. School Transition – In the last term of the year for K4 and selected K3/4 classes, the program will prepare children for the following concepts through supervised school games, partner activities and group challenges.